
Thursday, January 23, 2014


There are umpteen prevalent opuss in The Odyssey, the marvellous ancient Greek poem by Homer. One of the about(predicate) noticeable was the estimate of disguise or false indistinguishability undertaken by the lineaments to achieve what they wanted. In some instances deception, by Odysseus and umteen of the women in the story, was masked as cunning. Maturity is an important theme in the opening section of the book. An example of this is Telemakhos, who goes from an immature anthropoid child to a strong, confident man. Telemakhos quest is to mature in his new-fangled identity, just like Odysseus quest is to return home to his canescent identity. The likewise book addresses the pitfalls of temptation and the power of strength. The women in The Odyssey were artful and seductive. They used their beauty to lure victims into temptations and fascinate what they wanted. In fact, women get by major lineaments in the book. They took on three different compose pointistics: The seductress, the goddess and the respectful hostess. Although from each one characteristic is different in its own way, they each add a different propulsive to the story. The role of the seductress is effect by Helen and Klytaimnestra. One of the biggest battles in the Odyssey is the trojan war. One ability think this war started because as wars commonly do: ii sides disagree, which leads to conflict. But the Trojan War was in reality started because of cunning, temptation and falsehood -- Helens unfaithfulness to Menelaos. Klytaimnestra also fits the role of a seductress by fraud on her husband Agamemnon and than brutally murdering him. The seductress role is known as being a backstabbing and untrustworthy soulfulness and rightfully so. The character Sirenes characterizes the role of the seductress to a tee. Sirenes produced songs that seduced and influenced anyone listening to be drawn in to their ultimate demise. Seduction was also a trait of the character Kirke, wh! o tries to lure Odysseus before she eventually helps him. Kalypso also seduces Odysseys and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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